Thursday, March 17, 2011

Kombucha is in the House!

Since moving to Real Foods, I kicked my 2x day Dr. Pepper habit. It was a bit tough for me; I've really missed having something other than water or raw milk to sip on. I wanted that fizzy drink to get me through the day. Then I discovered Kombucha. I fell in love with the drink from the store, but it's expensive ($3.50 a bottle here for 15oz). I started reading up on the fermented tea and discovered it's quite easy to make at home. I was nervous though, the scoby intimidated me. What if I did something wrong and killed it? Plus you have to wait about 8 days to even take your first sip. I had a friend who recently started making her own Kombucha and offered to give me a starter scoby from her batch. That was just the push I needed and today I picked up my starter and got my first batch of Kombucha set up. I'm really excited and can't wait to see how it turns out. She reassured me that the scoby is really forgiving and other than contaminating it with chlorine, it's pretty tough to mess up (BTW - Amanda is a great foodie and has a fantastic blog, be sure to check her out).
For those unfamiliar with Kombucha, it's a naturally fermented tea that you flavor with fruit. The scoby houses bacteria and yeast which provide lots of great probiotic benefits. Kombucha contains a huge range of enzymes, vitamins (lots of Bs, and C), and organic acids. Some say it's the elixir of life. I just know it tastes good and fills that empty void at lunch for me.
I'm going to try and get a couple of batches under my belt first, but I want to try Water Kefier too (another fermented drink). Should be fun!

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